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Just in: New junta leader emerges in Niger after military take over

Barely 48 hours after a dramatic coup, General Abdourahmane Tchiani has declared himself the new leader of the Republic of Niger.

The head of the junta, otherwise known as Omar Tchiani, staged a bloodless coup which started on Wednesday.

General Tchiani has led the presidential guard since 2011 and was appointed general by former President Mahamadou Issoufou in 2018.

He was also tied to a coup attempt against the ex-president in 2015, but he denied it in court.

In a televised statement, Gen Tchiani stated that the military took over due to various challenges facing Niger, including insecurity, economic troubles, and corruption, among others.

He also addressed Niger’s international allies, stating that the junta would uphold all of the country’s international obligations, including human rights.

The junta, on the other hand, had harsh words for those who oppose them, accusing members of the deposed administration who have sought asylum in foreign embassies of plotting against them.

The coup in Niger has been widely condemned by ECOWAS, AU and UN.

France – the former colonial power – said it only recognised President Bazoum and not the junta.


“We reiterate in the strongest terms the international community’s clear demand for the immediate restoration of constitutional order and democratically elected civilian power,” a statement from the French foreign ministry read.

i-News Nigeria also reported that former President  Muhammadu Buhari of Nigeria expressed concerns over the safety of President Mohamed Bazoum and his family while hoping that that “the unwanted situation will be completely reversed.”

News agencies

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