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Suspension Saga Unveiled: Sani Exposes Reasons Behind Opposition Lawmakers’ Silence

Senator Shehu Sani has disclosed the repercussions facing Bauchi Central Senator, Abdul Ningi, following the Senate’s imposition of a three-month suspension on him. The suspension stems from Ningi’s claims of budget padding, specifically asserting that about N3.7 trillion in the 2024 budget lacked ties to any project.

As a result of this decision, Ningi, who serves as the Chairman of the Northern Senators Forum, will be deprived of various privileges. According to Shehu Sani, in a post on his official social media handle, the suspended lawmaker will be barred from attending Senate plenaries, committee meetings, and participating in oversight functions. Furthermore, his salary, allowances, and entitlements will be withheld for the duration of the suspension.

Sani expressed his dismay at the severity of such penalties, noting that it often silences lawmakers, even those from opposition parties, on crucial matters. He highlighted that suspension effectively confines a senator, preventing access to their office and the premises of the National Assembly until the suspension is lifted.

The post emphasized the impact of disclosing lawmakers’ salaries and running costs, citing a past incident where the then-Senate president intervened to prevent Sani from facing suspension. Sani concluded by cautioning against excessive outspokenness, suggesting that even members of the opposition refrain from opposing too vehemently to avoid such severe consequences.




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