Today’s Dollar to Naira Rate In The Black Market

Check out the current black market exchange rate for Dollar to Naira on November 21 below. You have the option to exchange your dollars for Naira at these rates.
As of Tuesday, November 21, 2023, the exchange rate for a dollar to naira in Lagos Parallel Market (Black Market) stands at buying for N1140 and selling for N1150, according to information from Bureau De Change (BDC) sources.
It’s essential to note that the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) does not recognize the parallel market (black market). The CBN has directed individuals interested in Forex transactions to approach their respective banks.
Black Market Rate for Dollar to Naira Today:
Buying Rate: N1140
Selling Rate: N1150
CBN Rate for Dollar to Naira Today:
Buying Rate: 817
Selling Rate: 818
Keep in mind that the rates for buying or selling forex may differ from what is outlined in this article due to market variations.
In other news, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has once again postponed the meeting of its Monetary Policy Committee (MPC), as confirmed by Dr. Isa Abdulmumin, the CBN’s Director of Corporate Communications, in a conversation with Bloomberg on Monday. “MPC is not holding a meeting this week,” he stated