Edo2024: APC’s Vice Chairman In Edo Resigns, May Join PDP

Edo2024: APC’s Vice Chairman In Edo Resigns, May Join PDP

The vice chairman of the main opposition All Progressives Congress (APC) in Edo state, High Chief Francis Inegbeniki, the Uzoya of Esanland in Edo Central Senatorial District, has resigned his membership of the party.

Inegbeniki may soon join the governing Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the state, based on the welcoming remark of Edo commissioner for communication and orientation, Chris Nehikhare.

The ex-vice chairman’s resignation was addressed to the ward chairman of APC in Opoji, Esan Central local government Area of Edo.

He said: “There comes a time in the life of every man, when some hard decisions must be taken, not only in one’s interest, but in the general interest of his people. This is one of such moments.

“After 25 years as an active, financial and dedicated grassroots politician in Edo State. Also as one of the founding fathers of the APC in Edo State, I believe that I have contributed my quota to the growth of the party in my ward, LGA, senatorial district, state and our country, Nigeria.

“Some recent developments in the party in my LGA and Edo State, however, conflicted with my core principles and values. These have led me to do a serious evaluation of my political future in Edo State, and decide on the way forward.

“After due consultations with my family, friends and political associates, I wish to formally inform you of my decision to resign my membership of the APC, and my role as the State Vice Chairman. It is a hard decision, but it is the best in the interest of the good people of my senatorial district.”

Inegbeniki thanked APC for availing him the platform, upon which he was elected the vice chairman, but insisted that a lot needed to be done to reposition the party in Edo state.

He also hailed his teeming supporters and followers for their support and loyalty, despite the challenges, while declaring that it was time to chart a new course for the good of all.

He said: “To all my friends, brothers and sisters in the APC, I wish you well, and wish to let you know that we still remain what we are.

“I cherish our relationship, and nothing can change it. I believe in the future of Nigeria, I believe in the Renewed Hope Agenda (of the administration of President Bola Tinubu).”

The former vice chairman added that together, he and other stakeholders would continue to work for the progress of Edo and Nigeria.




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