MSSN condemns attacks on Muslims by pagans at Ile-Ife

MSSN condemns attacks on Muslims by pagans at Ile-Ife

The Muslim Students’ Society of Nigeria B-Zone has expressed deep sorrow over the recent bloody attack on Muslim worshippers inside the mosque by the Orò worshippers at Idi Omo Mosque, Ilare, Ile-Ife, leaving several worshippers injured and hospitalized.

The attack, which occurred during Ramadan Tafsir, has been condemned as an affront to peace, dignity and humanity that cannot be tolerated or justified.

The Society has called for justice for the victims of the attack and urged all members of the community to remain committed to peace and respect for diversity.

In a statement signed by the Amir of the society Barrister Qaasim Odedeji the Secretaries Alhaji Abdul-Jalil Abdur-Razaq and the PRO, Moshood Tahir, MSSN B-ZONE “express our condemnation and indignation over this attack on Muslims by the Oro worshipers, where several members of the Muslim Community including the Imam were severely injured thereby devastating and traumatizing their families. This gross violation of the rights to life, liberty, and security of Muslims would not be tolerated at all.”

MSSN B-Zone called on the Osun State Government and security agencies to launch an immediate investigation into an alleged incident and bring the perpetrators to justice. The Society is adamant that no attempts should be made to sweep the issue under the rug and that those responsible should face the consequences of their actions.

It urged the state government to collaborate with all relevant stakeholders to find a lasting solution to the problem of Oro worship and other cultural practices that disrupt the peace and stability of the state believing that dialogue and mutual understanding between different religious and ethnic groups is essential in creating an atmosphere of peace and harmony in the state.

It emphasized the need for peace and patience among its members in light of recent provocations. The organization is asking its members to forgo taking matters into their own hands and instead seek justice through legal means.

The Muslim Students Society of Nigeria (MSSN) extends its deepest sympathies and condolences to the victims and their families of the recent violence in Ile-Ife and across the state.

It said the society stands in solidarity with all those affected and reject any attempt to sow division and discord through such acts of violence.

It therefore urged the state government and other stakeholders to take decisive action to bring about peace and stability to the region and ensure that religious and ethnic differences are not allowed to escalate into further violence. We must all work together to build a peaceful and prosperous future for our state.

Integrity News Nigeria 1

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